NO. 745/KPTS/TN.240/12/1992




In view of:



To stipulate:



Article 1

For the purpose of this Decree :

Article 2

(1) The importation of meat may be made by general importer so long as he complies with the requirements as to kind and quality, technical requirements of the exclusion of animal diseases and requirements for the health of veterinary community in accordance with existing regulations, requirements for the consumers safety and tranquillity of mind.

(2) Importer and/or distribution of meat of foreign origin shall prevent the occurrence and spread of animal diseases the may be transmitted through imported meat and/or distribution of the meat, and shall take share in the responsibility for the safety and inward peace of the consumer.


Article 3

The importation of meat shall comply with the technical requirements pertaining to:

and shall be accompanied with a health certificate and other documents from the country of origin.

Article 4

Meat of foreign origin shall originate in a country which:

Article 5

(1) In addition to the requirements referred to in Article 4, the importation of pork, shall comply with the following requirements:

(2) In addition to the requirements referred to in Article 4 Letter c, the importation of poultry meat, shall comply with the requirement as to country of origin, namely that the country of origin of the poultry meat for the last minimum period of 90 days has been declared free from epidemic of Fowl Plaque.

(3) In addition to the requirements mentioned in Paragraph (2), the importation of duck meat, shall comply with the requirement which states that the duck meat shall come from a farm which for the last minimum period of 90 days has been declared free from Duck Viral Hepatitis and Duck Viral Enteritis.

Article 6

Meat of foreign origin shall originate from an abattoir which is under the supervision of an authorized veterinarian in the country of origin, and the abattoir, of which the standard is at least equal to that of abattoir A in Indonesia, has been approved by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Article 7

Meat of foreign origin shall be accompanied with a Health Certificate from a competent veterinarian in the country of origin, stating that:

Article 8

(1) Meat imported for general consumption or commercial purposes shall originate from livestock that has been slaughtered in accordance with the Moslem law and statement to that effect shall appear on the certificate of halal.

(2) The provision referred to in Paragraph (1) shall not apply to the importation of pork, meat for special and limited use, and meat which, according to the written statement of the owner, is intended for animal feed.

Article 9

Meat of foreign origin shall be packed, and shall comply with the following requirements:

Article 10

(1) Meat of foreign origin shall be transported from the country of origin directly to the port of destination in Indonesia and is not allowed to be discharged in another country while in transit.

(2) The importation of meat by way of transit or as re-export from another country may be approved on the basis of special consideration after it has been evaluated and safeguarded and the importation is not in contravention with the provisions of articles 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 of this Decree.

Article 11

(1) As regards to meat of foreign origin being transported in a container, it is required that the container be sealed by a competent veterinarian, and the seal may only be opened by an animal quarantine officer at the point of entry.

(2) Meat that has a certificate of halal shall not be placed together with meat that has no such certificate within the same container.

(3) During transportation the temperature in the container or mean of conveyance shall be kept stable, for fresh meat ranging between 0 ℃ and 40 ℃, and for frozen meat between -18 ℃ and -22 ℃.

Article 12

Meat of foreign origin intended for animal feed shall be:


Article 13

(1) Any person or corporate appointed by the Government as general importer may import meat into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia from abroad.

(2) The Director General of Livestock shall conduct an appraisal of the disease situation, health control system and procedures for animal slaughter, the abattoir and meat processing companies in the country or part of a country from which the meat comes from and the kind, quality and intended use of the meat to be imported into the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

(3) The evaluation of the Director General as referred to in Paragraph (2) shall be made on the basis of technical requirements mentioned in Chapter II and may be adapted to the development of science and technology at the time the evaluation is made.

(4) For the purpose of appraisal as expressed in Paragraph (2) the importer shall submits to the Director General of Livestock a written application for permit to import meat in which the following information shall be given: country of origin, name, address and number of veterinary control, abattoir or meat processing company, area of destination, kind and intended use, and the quantity and prospective importation of meat, and the application shall be accompanied by the data of the company and the technical data required.

Article 14

(1) The Director General of Livestock upon receipt of the written application referred to in Paragraph (4) Article 13 shall within 14 days give a reply as to whether the application is rejected or approved.

(2) In case the Director General of Livestock approves the application for permit to import the meat referred to in Paragraph (1), the Director General shall issue a letter of approval for the importation on the basis of the application and the prospective importation in a certain periods of time and specify the requirements for animal health or other obligations that shall be fulfilled by the importer.

(3) In case the Director General of Livestock rejects the application for the importation of meat from abroad, the Director General shall issue a letter of refusal in which the reasons for refusal are given.

(4) Copies of the letter of approval or refusal referred to in Paragraphs (2) and Paragraph (3) shall be forwarded to the Director General of Foreign Trade, Director General of Customs and Excise, Head of Livestock Service of the Province/First Degree Region, Director of the Centre for Agricultural Quarantine and the Head of the Animal Quarantine Station concerned.

Article 17

In addition to the quarantine actions expressed in Article 16, the meat of foreign origin shall be subjected to the following actions:

Article 18

(1) Meat of foreign origin shall be released from Animal Quarantine installation if all quarantine actions referred to in Article 16 and the inspection referred to in Article 17 have been carried out and no contagious animal disease has been found and the meat is considered to be fit for human consumption.

(2) The release of meat of foreign origin mentioned in Paragraph (1) shall be accompanied by a certificate of release (health certificate) with an additional declaration to the effect that the meat has been subjected to re-examination and is, therefore, fit for human consumption.

(3) The certificate of release (health certificate) referred to in Paragraph (2) shall be issued to the owner of the meat and a copy of it shall be forwarded to the Head of Livestock Service of the Province/First Degree Region concerned.

Article 19

Meat imported in contravention of the provisions referred to in Article 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Article 16 Paragraph (1) shall be refused entry immediately or destroyed in accordance with existing rules and regulations.


Article 20

(1) Supervision of the distribution of meat of foreign origin which has been released from quarantine actions shall be conducted by the Livestock Service of Second Degree Region at storage places, selling places and means of conveyance with due observance of the directions of the Minister.

(2) Supervision of the distribution of meat as referred to in Paragraph (1) is aimed at safeguarding the consumers interests and shall be carried out periodically or at any moment when there is suspicion that a deviation from the technical requirements provided has taken places.

(3) Activities of supervision of the distribution of meat of foreign origin shall consist of inspection of meat, inspection of storage places, selling places and means of conveyance.

(4) Supervision of the distribution of meat of foreign origin shall be conducted by Government Veterinarian appointed by the Regent/Mayor of the Government of Second Degree Region concerned.

(5) The Veterinarian who is appointed supervisor of the distribution of meat as mentioned in Paragraph (4) shall be in a holder of a certificate of eligibility for the position of supervisor of Veterinary Community Health issued by the Minister or an official appointed by him.

Article 21

(1) The inspection of meat of foreign origin shall include meat health and fitness for consumption inspection and laboratory examination, which are carried out 4 (four) times a year by random sampling method on the basis of importer, country of origin, kind of meat and trade mark, at the place of storage, means of conveyance and/or selling place.

(2) The meat health and fitness for consumption inspection shall be carried out by organoleptic method whereas laboratory examination shall be carried out with respect to pH of the meat, putridity, microbiological contamination, residue content and other examinations deemed necessary.

Article 22

(1) The inspection of the places of storage, selling places and means of conveyance of meat of foreign origin shall include the inspection of the physical structure, hygiene, sanitation, technical and administrative requirements, which are performed once a year.

(2) The technical and administrative requirements referred to in Paragraph (1) shall include the following:

Article 23

(1) The supervisor of distribution of meat of foreign origin shall submit a report on the result of inspection of storage places, selling places and means of conveyance to the Head of the Livestock Service of Second Degree Region.

(2) The Livestock Services of Second Degree Region shall report on the result of supervision of meat of foreign origin to the Director General of Livestock, the Head of the Livestock Service of First Degree Region and the Director of the Center for Agricultural Quarantine once a year.

Article 24

In case in a Second Degree Region there exists no Livestock Service, the supervision of the distribution of meat of foreign origin as mentioned in this Decree shall be carried out by the Livestock Service of the First Degree Region.


Article 25

The issuance of this Decree shall not lessen

Article 26

At the time this Decree comes into effect all rules and regulations which are inconsistent with this Decree shall be declared invalid.

Article 27

This Decree shall take effect on the date of issuance.

Issued in Jakarta
on 30th December 1992